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A project that sets up organisations, networks and tools that have an impact in terms of synergy and development for the community, a sector, region, etc.

A developmental project can generate or drive other projects and gather actors from different horizons to work towards a common objective.

Deoxyribonucleic acid is a biological molecule composed of a double helix with two spiral chains that forms chromosomes. It is the medium that carries genetic information and all the hereditary characteristics of a cell and thus an individual. It is like the fabrication plan of a living organism.

DNA is the medium that carries genetic information and all the hereditary characteristics of a cell. Its molecular structure consists of a ladder-like structure composed of four types of bar; it is represented by a double chain of helicoidal nucleotides. The four nucleotides, the sub-units of DNA, contain the nitrogenous bases adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C) and thymine (T). The bases are assembled according to an exclusive order: A pairs only with T, and G with C.

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DNA, the fabrication plan of a living organism

There are millions of different species of living organisms, but an ant always gives an ant and a monkey always gives a monkey. The fabrication plan is located in our cells, carried by chromosomes which are the media of heredity.

 DNA (or deoxyribonucleic acid) is a giant molecule that stores genetic information and all the hereditary characteristics of a cell. It composes the chromosomes.

The DNA molecule is represented by a double heliocoidal chain of nucleotides. It consists of a kind of ladder composed of 4 types of molecule (nucleotides) placed in a definite order which supplies the assembly plan for all living organisms. Each one has its own DNA, each its own plan. This plan reproduces itself.

The four nucleotides contain the nitrogenous bases adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C) and thymine (T). The bases are assembled according to an exclusive order: A only pairs with T, and G with C.

The double helix of DNA opens and reconstitutes itself into two identical copies. Thus the programs or the genetic heritage of parents are transmitted to their children to fabricate a living being.