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From science to patient : therapeutic targeting
The ambition and the program of the Synergie Lyon Cancer Foundation is to contribute to accelerating and developing the knowledge preoduced by research laboratories, and to contribute its ressources to the discovery of new therapies of direct benefit to patients.
Therapeutic targeting is a treatment concept adapted to the characteristics of each patient’s disease. In oncology, it stems naturally from better knowledge of genetic alterations and of the faults in cellular signalling involved in the process of carcinogenesis.
Towards individualized treatement
From the practical standpoint, if a defective gene is detected when analysing a fragment of a tumour taken from a patient, a treatment adapted to their cancer could then be proposed to them. This new approach to treatment no longer centred on the localisation of the patient’s tumour but on its specific characteristics will provide doctors with new, more efficient and less toxic tools for curing their patients. The targeted therapies now available have already demonstrated significant therapeutic action.
Get more information :
Therapeutic targeting : Interview vidéo de Gilles Salles