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We wish to express our sincere gratitude to all those who have given their time and energy. This site would never have been built without their aid.
To the Management Board for backing the idea of overhauling the website of the Synergie Lyon Cancer Foundation, so that it provides the best possible view of our work and research;
To Emmanuelle Manck for her assistance in the project, her capacity to synthesise and vulgarise the information she collected, her writing abilities and for the video interviews she conducted with pertinence;
To Marina Rousseau-Tsangaris for her attentive support and the time she devoted to validating the different steps involved, and the texts included on this new website;
To Pierre Picollet for his help in defining the specifications, starting up and supervising the project;
To Frédéric Joubert (art director) for the logo, his graphic proposals, defining the graphic layout, and the consistency he provided to our visual communication;
To Alexandre Lengrand, “graphic print and web tool”, for his critical eye and his pertinent proposals that allowed us to go even further;
To Romain Etienne for the quality of his photos which highlight our profession and its actors with realism and great aesthetic flair;
To Olivier Zabat for the quality of his shooting, his approach and editing that all provide a fine illustration of our environment;
To all those that agreed to participate with great patience and kindness in the different photo and video shoots and in particular to Gilles Salles, Patrick Mehlen, Alain Puisieux, Marie Castets, Julie Caramel, Marina Rousseau-Tsangaris, Véronique Trillet-Lenoir, and to all the employees of the Léon Bérard Centre and the Cancer Research Centre of Lyon.
To the Léon Bérard Centre and the South Lyon Hospital Complex for their reception during the photo sessions and video shoots.
We are particularly grateful to the Léon Bérard Centre,
- for its help in producing the images of the site: Dr Gisèle Chvetzoff and the health manager, Géraldine Thévenet, of the palliative care unit, Jean-François Charbonnel, Pharmacy Manager and coordinator of the CLB Pharmacy Unit, Dr Bertrand Favier, Manager of the Phramacy’s Chemotherapy Preparation Unit , and Sandrine Chanoinat and her teams at the Day Hospital.
- To the communication departments of the CLB and the CRCL , Nathalie Blanc, Maryline Céa, and Blandine Bruneel, for organising and assisting the photo and video shoots in the different services,
and also to Michèle Baudot, our contact at the South Lyon Hospital Complex.
We also thank:
Kristyian Petkov, an outstanding trainee, for his aid in simplifying tasks and for the tools he provided to the Foundation;
To the translators, Brigitte Manship and Keith Hodson for their professionalism and speed of execution;
To Séverine Tabone-Eglinger and Valéry Attignon for their help and their attentive proofreading of the glossary and the FAQ;
And, of course, to the employees of the Foundation for their readiness and commitment to producing the website and the quality of their daily work;
To the Acti team for the quality of their services, their availability, their creative flair, their patient listening and their solutions;
To Coralie Kléber-Jean for her creativity and perseverance in managing the start-up of this project.
To Marie-Caroline Fiore for her energy, imagination and motivation to complete the project to overhaul the website, thus allowing the Foundation to provide a clear, serious and professional image of its missions, goals and achievements.
A BIG thank you to all of you!